Saturday, August 30, 2008

Presidio bike ride

It was beautiful day today in San Francisco - sunny and 65! :) Summer begins.
We went on a bike ride through the Presidio (large park in old military base) and out to the beach. It was a nice 17-mile ride up MANY hills...but we made it. It's pretty cool to have a beach right in the city. It almost felt like Cannon Beach, with the kites flying. Here are some pics from the day:
Our neighborhood is behind the golden dome in the background...

This is Baker Beach and the houses along the edge of the cliff there is part of the SeaCliff neighborhood - the really rich, really large mansions. Robin Williams lives there. As you can see, they have quite a view. In the other direction, they have a view of the Golden Gate Bridge as well. Not too shabby... I think I read somewhere that part of Baker Beach is nude beach, but we didn't have the experience of experiencing that first hand. Whew!

Views of the Golden Gate bridge from the end of our ride. By that time, we were REALLY excited to be going downhill...

Land's end - the beach in San Francisco.

From the very end of the bike ride - that's Alcatraz in the distance, but not the best shot of it. The golden dome down there is the same one as in the first picture, meaning that we live down there somewhere!
It was a really nice, but really tiring day. We came home and took a nap! Afterwards, walking up the street for dinner, I spotted the members of Gnarls Barkley riding by in a van. Turns out they were playing a concert at Fort Mason, a block and a half from our apartment. Neil is jealous because he didn't see them! Hee hee...
Well, more adventures tomorrow - we are going to see free Shakespeare in the Park.

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