Monday, April 27, 2009

The answer is blowing in the wind...

Well, something is blowing in the wind, that's for sure. The wind has been absolutely brutal in San Francisco for the last few days. Ever since we had that 80 degree heat and NO wind last Tuesday, I think the wind gods are trying to make up for lost time. It makes it completely miserable to go outside. Waiting for the bus is absolute torture and the wind creates a completely new hairstyle for me as I wait. It's not pretty... 

Down on the Embarcadero this evening, waiting for the bus, I was watching a flag on the cruise ship that was in port, and I swear it was about to be torn off of its flagpole. I do not approve. Any day that the wind would like to be gone, is fine with me. The current forecast for today was winds at 28mph, gusting up to 33mph. Not a hurricane, I'll give you that, but just generally unpleasant all together. AND with the wind chill effect, it effectively feels like 42 degrees out right now. That's cold for San Francisco, folks - especially when an ocean gust blows right through your thin jacket! A brief glance at says that it's supposed to die back down to the regular 12mph in a few days. One can only hope.

We might be attending a Giants game on Sunday, which will be fun, even if we have to sit in the nosebleed seats. We actually tuned into a game the other night on the telly and watched Tim Lincecum pitch. Quite entertaining, actually, although I've never truly been much of a baseball fan. 

Well, that's all for now. Just trying to get back in the swing of blogging. Nothing exciting to report, but just thought I would write and record my dismay at all the wind. WIND BE GONE!! (We'll see if that works)...

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