Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I've got my baby back, baby back, baby back...

Neil came home last night and it is definitely true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I was SO happy to see him. I hadn't realized this, but I'm almost always the one that leaves home alone, to go home, when I went to Vegas, etc. I'm not usually the one being left at home. In fact, I can't remember having to sleep alone in our bed at home. And it sucked, big time. I stayed up really late on Sunday night, because I just couldn't bring myself to turn off the light and curl up all alone. So I was very happy to see Neil walk through the door yesterday! He was a little worse for the wear from his L.A. trip, though, so he curled up on the couch and I made some chicken noodle soup. Good for a sore tummy. We went to bed at 9:30. It was fantastic. I woke up this morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

An old friend from Seattle is coming to visit tonight! YAY! She will be spending the night in our tiny studio. It seems like we've had more people stay with us in our little studio in San Francisco than in our house in Portland when we could offer an entire living room. This is our third house guest since we moved down, and I think we had zero house guests in Portland. But I'm not complaining - I love having visitors!

And we leave for Portland tomorrow night for four whole days of rest and relaxation. Hah. We will be heading out to Cannon Beach from Friday to Sunday, which will be really lovely. We rent a big house out there and the whole family joins us - Aunt, grandma and Lila will be coming too. And bringing the doggies!!! Can't wait to see my little babies. Lola is supposedly on a crash diet, so we'll see if there is any improvement. Although I think Lila is serious about it this time. She didn't realize that if you leave them alone while they eat, Lola will steal Swarley's food. Which makes sense then why she's ballooning and he's staying regular-sized. Here's a pic of them just because I think they're adorable, and that's enough:

Okay, so it was more than one pic, but they're so super-cute, I couldn't help myself. And on Monday, I have a lunch scheduled with some good friends in Portland, and Neil will get to hang out at Powell's books for a few hours, which he loves. And I'm sure we'll have some time to track down some good beer. There's always time for good beer!

Anywhoo, nothing really exciting to talk about, but probably won't have anything to say until we get back from P-town, so - see you next week! Happy weekend to all (just a little early).

1 comment:

Sonja said...

What cute pups! Have a lovely time in Portland and at the beach!