Monday, July 13, 2009

I know, I know...

I've been a bad blogger again. As you can tell, my enthusiasm for blogging kind of waxes and wanes throughout the year. But, we've been doing so much traveling lately, and have been busy around town and it's fiscal year-end at work right now, which means audit prep for me, which means more work and less time for blogging.

So a quick-recap of the last few weeks and then I'll get back to my audit prep, I promise. So we came home from Portland and then a couple of weeks later, jetted off again to Ottawa to visit my best friend Krista and her husband James. We had a really lovely time in Ottawa and I thoroughly enjoyed the 75-80 degree temps and didn't even mind the humidity. I got a taste of the summer I am missing right now by living in San Francisco.

We got home from Ottawa on the 29th, totally jet-lagged and slept-walked through the next fews days of work only to get another holiday on Friday for the 4th. A three day week is not too bad!! We had a wonderful fourth of July weekend, with a visit to the S.F. Botanical garden, which is absolutely fantastic and which we didn't have time to even get all the way through. Then we attended a barbeque and ate hot dogs and potato salad and watched the fireworks over the Bay from Alamo Square Park. The fog bank that had settled over the city kind of cut off the top of the fireworks, but it was still great.

Then on Sunday we took one of our Sunday drives and went NorthEast this time, a direction we have not yet headed in. We made it all the way out to Lake Tahoe, which was BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, by the time we got there there was only time to head north along the lake and then turn towards home. But the Sierra Nevadas are gorgeous and we took big, deep breaths of the pine-tree scented mountain air. We most definitely will be heading back in that direction again. So now we've taken trips North, South and Northeast from San Francisco. We still have East, which will be Yosemite, and Southeast, which I'm not sure what we'll hit there. I'll have to peruse the map. And there's no going west, that's for sure. Ocean Beach is as far west as you can go.

Then last week was the first full week that I have worked in the office since June 8th, which I really can't compain about. I settled back into the routine, which included a trip to the garden on Wed., where I harvested parsley, lettuce and PEAS!! My little bush pea plant is bursting with pods and they are the most delicious little morsels. I crunched into a pod right there in the garden and it was so juicy and so sweet. Delicious. My leeks and onions are coming right along. I've never been able to grow an onion before. I tried last year in Portland and failed miserably. But these look good. And I have carrots, beans, cucumber, zucchini, squash and more lettuce all sprouting right now too. I built my beans a little scaffold and hopefully they will shimmy right up and start making little baby beans! The garden is in full-swing.

We spent this weekend apartment-hunting and almost committed to one, but it was available too early, and the kitchen had tiny appliances, which I just couldn't accept in the end. A tiny refrigerator and a tiny stove just don't equal good kitchen. And it was a little bit more expensive every month than what we're paying right now. So, we're passing. Keep your fingers crossed that this decision was good and doesn't come back to bite us when we can't find another affordable place that will take our doggies.

And then we leave on Wednesday to jet up to Portland for my sister's wedding. I can't wait. For the bachelorette party, we will be getting manicures and pedicures and I've never had either one, so it will be a real treat to get pampered. The wedding is on Saturday and I think it will be just beautiful.

We come home from the wedding on the 19th and then the 30th we take off for our last trip of the summer - to NYC. The summer is in full swing and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. The only thing I'm really missing is some good heat. Give me an 80 degree day and I will be a happy girl!

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