Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TraNewMeyFood and "What do you mean that doesn't come with FRIES!!"

What is TraNewMeyFood, you ask? It COULD be the world's most perfect grocery store. Seriously - give me the prices of Trader Joe's, the produce of New Seasons, the selection of Fred Meyer and the ambiance of Whole Foods and you have my absolute, ideal grocery store!! Why has no one thought of this before!! Grocery shopping has become an absolute ordeal for me at this point. It goes like this: I buy as much as I can at Trader Joes for the cheap prices and unique choices. However, Trader Joes doesn't carry all the stuff that I need or like, such as Rice a roni Mexican rice - so, I have to make a trip to Safeway for all the little left-overs. Also, Trader Joes totally overpackages their produce - must we wrap every little piece of produce in a plastic tray and saran wrap? It's ridiculous. Plus, I like to try to buy produce locally whenever possible. This leaves out Safeway, requiring a trip to my local Marina market, where they serve up locally grown produce from Cali. So three stores for one grocery list!! And, may I remind you, all of these stores are in completely different directions and not really close to our apartment. So a simple shopping trip takes me at least 3 hours. BAH!! With TraNewMeyFood, I could pick up all of the items on my list, at nice, low prices, and a wonderful shopping environment! Who's with me? Let's get this new venture off the ground ASAP! I'm about one grocery trip from losing my mind!

And while I am ranting, let me add this to the list: It is amazing how they manage to make EVERYTHING in San Francisco more expensive. In this case, I am referring specifically to restaurants. Case in point - We have a little hamburger joint down the street from us that serves a huge selection of delicious hamburgers. HOWEVER! Before you get excited, here is the catch, and it's a big one in my opinion. These hamburgers...wait for it...DO NOT COME WITH FRIES!! Can you believe it? You have the option of purchasing a side of fries for $4.50!! If I could have written that in caps, I would have. FOUR FIFTY!!!! There we go... What...The...HECK!! When you serve a hamburger, you always offer a side of some kind, right? Even at Widmer in Portland, where the hamburgers are fairly expensive, they at least give you a salad on the side. I am horrified. (Yes, we still eat the hamburgers. They're delicious.)

AND it happened again tonight. I ordered some Thai food tonight - green curry because I love green curry with all my heart. On a side note, this is not something that I get to do often because Neil hates Thai food. So how did I get away with it tonight, you ask? Neil is currently at a Giants game. Alone. Well, he did try to get me a ticket as well, but it was a special offer through his school and they did not have enough tickets for spouses to attend. So, to come around full circle, I am alone tonight, and I ordered Thai. So, on the phone, the lady asked if I would like rice. ??? Of course - how do you eat curry without rice? Well, I'm sure it can be done, but not by this girl. I meandered down to the restaurant to pick up the food and when I arrived, I noticed that there was a separate charge for the rice. What...The....Heck. I have not eaten at a Thai restaurant that doesn't include rice with the curries. See - it's a conspiracy here in SF. BEWARE THE SIDES - THEY WILL BREAK THE BANK. You think you're getting a good deal - JUST KIDDING - you forgot the side...

Anyways, I am very happily enjoying my delicious green curry and should probably stop this ranting now. People might think that I'm a crazy lady that has nothing better to do than eat Thai food and send rants out into the blogosphere. It's not true...

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I remember when I went to San Fran and the house decided to order Thai take out for the evening. No biggie 10 people - 6 dishes, plenty of food...but it cost us $20 per person!!! Hang in there, and consider a window box for veggies.