Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spring in my step

There is definitely a spring in my step today. I'm not exactly sure why; can't exactly put my finger on the reason. Perhaps it's the new torch that I picked up from the jewelry store this morning. All I need to do now is pick up the disposable propane tank and I can start melting metal to my heart's content. Or maybe it was the two extra hours I got to sleep in this morning, due to a "doctor's appointment". Sometimes you just need to have a lazy morning on a weekday, as a treat. Or it could be the beautiful Fall-like weather we are having today. Warm and sunny, but with a hint of crispness in the wind and the light is on a beautiful slant. All I need is couple of leaves to turn and I could almost pretend it's actually autumn in the city. I think it could also be that Neil came home early last night and we got to eat dinner together and spend some time just "being" in the same room. Sometimes you don't even need to talk, it's the simple companionship of having another person's presence in the room with you. I'm sure it's a combination of all these things put together, but I am definitely feeling content today.

Tonight we (the doggies and I) meet with the trainer for some one-on-one information. I'm holding high hopes for this meeting. Hopefully I will learn a lot of valuable tips to help both the doggies and I succeed in going forward all together. As long as I have treats in my hands, they have been doing really well and it's nice to see progress, but I am still really looking forward to this meeting.

This weekend is the Bluegrass Festival, which means that we've officially been here an entire year now. Well, that historic date actually passed over a month ago, but since the Bluegrass Festival was one of the very first really cool things that happened when we moved here, it feels like a very official passage of time that it's coming around again. Here is the blog about last year's festival if you are interested.
This year doesn't look quite as star-studded as last year, but there are still some good names coming - Dr. Dog and Neko Case to name a few. And, honestly, it's free so who cares if I don't know the people playing? It's a great excuse to get out there and discover something new.

It's weird to think that at last year's festival, I had just started work here at the Foundation, just met most of the people that we now consider our good friends in the city and just started to really get a sense of where we were now living. I didn't even really seem real yet that we had actually moved to San Francisco. And there's so much more still to explore.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Hey Stephanie,

Glad to hear that things are looking better today than they were a few days ago. It sounded like a rough night! Way to be proactive about calling the trainer; I'm sure he/she will have some good ideas. I find that talking to someone after having blocked myself into a corner is always useful, at the very least it helps with the anxiety.

best of luck.