Tuesday, April 6, 2010

baby seeds

I stopped by my garden on Saturday and everything is growing!! Well, maybe except for the carrots. I thought I saw a little green, but I could have been imagining it. But peas, spinach, lettuce, radishes, broccoli, and onions were all up. Oh yeah, I guess the cilantro hasn't sprouted yet, either. It's been so rainy here the last few weeks, I haven't even had to go water. Thanks, Mother Nature.

And another great thing - NO WEEDS!! It appears that the fat layer of dirt I layed on the plot has definitely worked as a weed-smotherer. I pulled out about 6 blades of grass, and that's it. It's such beautiful dirt, too - so rich and deep brown. So once the seedlings get more substantial, I'll probably put a light layer of compost over the whole bed to nourish and to keep everything nice and snug and warm. There's something so great about seeing your little seeds push their way above ground, though.

Here's to fresh veggies in a few months!!

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