Monday, October 4, 2010

New York, new york...

Wow, I'm really out of practice at this. Things have been kind of out of control here for the last few months. First up was the audit, and even when you know exactly what you're doing, it still takes two months to prep and complete the stupid thing. And I'm kind of a control freak when it comes to doing work (something I need to work on), I don't trust anyone else to do it right, and so I end up taking the whole project on myself. Which really isn't smart and at some point, just isn't going to be feasible anymore. So that was July and August. And then my sister had the cutest baby EVER (please see proof below) which, of course, required a visit to meet said baby. 

And then, I came back to San Francisco for two days, and jetted off to an interview in New York, because - holy cow it's time to start applying to jobs now - AHHH!! Said interview went poorly, I didn't get a great feeling about the job for numerous reasons, and so I told them I didn't think the position was a good fit. Back to the drawing board, so I thought. Then they called me a day later, made me tell them why I didn't think it was a good fit, and proceeded to convince me that it was a good fit, and so I negotiated salary and took the job. So I have a job, YAY! Which is really great news, because if you don't have employment, you have to have a guarantor to get an apartment - a guarantor that makes 80x the monthly rent. Which basically meant that I'd basically need my whole family to line up and co-sign on our lease. Not an attractive idea.

 So, it seems like we've been waiting FOREVER to move, and now all of a sudden everything has to happen in 10 seconds. I've lined up the movers, booked our one-way tickets to New York on October 18th, along with the doggies and I'm heading back to New York next weekend to try and find us a place to live. And then I start work on October 25th. Holy cow, the wheels are starting to spin a little out of control. I'm hoping that something doesn't fly off the tracks!

I will leave you with the second of many, many more Maggie pictures to come:

1 comment:

J and C Smith said...

She is adorable! Best of luck to you in NYC!