Thursday, December 11, 2008

60 degrees is warm, people!


Thing that I like about San Francisco:


It has a lovely musicality to it - slightly haunting - and is the sound of cozy, warm fuzzy fog. I haven't heard it in awhile, and we have been pretty fog-free around here lately, and I have found myself missing it...

I don't have too much to say - after the high of my chicken cutting, cheese, butter and granola making weekend, I've settled back into the gentle rhythm of life. :) We did have a delicious spinach canelloni dish for dinner last night which I can take no credit for. I have discovered the world's best cookbook. Nothing wrong can come from this cookbook, it seems. Every recipe that i have tried (5-6) has been not just good, but fantastically good. It's called "Food to Live By" and it's by the woman who runs Earthbound Farms, which is a huge organic farming conglomerate here in California. I'm sure you've seen their bagged salads in the grocery store. But the cookbook is really great - it uses really normal ingredients, no fancy-schmancy ingredients you've never heard of - and the flavors in the foods are usually amazing. So I used my homemade ricotta cheese in the cannelloni and combined with garlic, onions, basil, thyme and parmesan cheese, topped with some organic tomato sauce from Bi-Rite(new favorite grocery store, remember) - they came out just absolutely fabulous. Neil doesn't really care that much for pasta and he even commented on how yummy it was. He actually took the leftovers for lunch, which he doesn't do unless he really likes something.

Tonight I have to buckle down to the christmas cookie making, because we may (or may not) be having a small get-together with neil's school friends tomorrow night, for cookies, hot cocoa and wassail. So I have to get prepared, just in case. And I'm sure there will be no trouble getting the cookies eaten, even if the event doesn't happen.

On a final note, Californians are big, fat babies. We have had highs in the low 50's and lows in the low 40's this week, and you should hear the people complain about how "cold" it has been! Wow! I'm basking in the warmth, enjoying being able to go out in December without hat and gloves, and people down here are looking for their below-zero size parkas. I saw a guy get on the bus this morning with his scarf up covering his mouth and nose and gloved hands tucked under his armpits like he was just barely holding onto life in these sub-50 degree temps. Are you kidding me? The last time I had a scarf up to keep my chin and nose warm was when we were cross-country skiing in Leavenworth two years ago - AND IT WAS 18 DEGREES OUT. Hmph... Like I said - big babies.

Hope everyone's having fun with their Christmas preparations.

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